Public Transportation
The Public Transportation Department is dedicated to providing transportation to all Baldwin County residents in wheelchair-accessible vehicles. Space is limited. Please call at least 24 hours in advance to schedule a pickup.
- Passengers must be 15 years of age or older to travel without a guardian.
- Passengers must provide car seats for all children under 4 years of age.
- Requests for transit services should be made 24 hours in advance and will be scheduled depending on the availability.
- If you need transportation on a Monday, you must call Transit before 3:00 pm on Friday to schedule an appointment pending availability.
- Daily routes are scheduled, and vans make every effort to be on time for all pickups; however, a specific pickup time can not be guaranteed.
- Cost – $2.00 per passenger per one-way trip (fee must be paid for all passengers, including children).
- If reservations have been made and the pickup is not needed, please call (478) 445-2941 to cancel the reservation.
Transit providers are required under 49 CFR 37.5(i)(3) to make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures when the modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability or to provide program accessibility to their services. Accessible formats of system information (ex: large print, braille, etc.) and service modifications are available by request by contacting the transit office at 478-445-2941 or TTY# 711. Modification requests to service are asked to be submitted at least 24 hours in advance, but on the spot reasonable modifications will also be made where possible.
Los proveedores de transporte público están obligados, según 49 CFR 37.5(i)(3), a realizar modificaciones razonables en las políticas, prácticas o procedimientos cuando las modificaciones sean necesarias para evitar la discriminación por motivos de discapacidad o para brindar accesibilidad al programa a sus servicios. Los formatos accesibles de información del sistema (por ejemplo, letra grande, braille, etc.) y modificaciones del servicio están disponibles previa solicitud comunicándose con la oficina de tránsito al 706-236-4523 o TTY# 711. Las solicitudes de modificación del servicio deben enviarse al menos Con 24 horas de antelación, pero también se realizarán modificaciones razonables in situ cuando sea posible.
For hearing impaired/TTY Customers Contact: Georgia Relay Service TTY 800-255-0056. For hearing Customers call: 800-255-0135.
Para clientes con problemas de audición / TTY, llame al Servicio de retransmisión de Georgia al 800-255-0056. Los clientes que no tienen problemas de audición, llame al: 800-255-0135. Español a Español: 888-202-3972
Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may fill out the complaint form below.